
The US Embassy in Armenia

U.S. Embassy

Hetq Media Factory is funded through a U.S. Department of State Public Diplomacy Section grant.

The opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State.

Wikimedia Foundation

Wikimedia Foundation

Hetq Media Factory and Wikimedia Foundation are collaborating to implement the WikiGraphers project, which will allow the participants to master innovative tools, create and contribute to the free knowledge.

Brusov State University

Brusov State University

Hetq Media Factory and the Career Center of the Brusov State University signed a memorandum of cooperation, which envisages active participation of the university lecturers and students in the programs implemented at Hetq Media Factory, as well as close cooperation in creating and disseminating media products.

Heinrich Boell

Heinrich Boell Stiftung South Caucasus Office Yerevan Branch

Hetq Media Factory students, in cooperation with Heinrich Boell Stiftung South Caucasus Office Yerevan Branch, implemented a project about environmental issues of Lake Sevan.

Yerevan State University

Yerevan State University Faculty of Journalism

Hetq Media Factory and Yerevan State University Faculty of Journalism signed a memorandum of cooperation, which envisages a joint and collaborative effort to provide an educational environment for future journalists.