Hayk Bejanyan

Economic and Finance Journalism Instructor

Hayk Bejanyan


I am an economist, a specialist in public finance management. In 2017, I received a Ph.D. in economics. Up to now, I am also engaged in lecturing work. I spent most of my working career in the public administration system, where I was engaged in the simplest — from the function of financial accounting to the highest — supervisory functions of public finance management.

In contrast to many people who think that Economics is about money, I have always believed that Economics is a science of values, which teaches us to appreciate values ​​more than prices and to make correct and noble choices at complex and challenging intersections of life.

Although I am not a journalist, I have always interlinked journalism with my professional life. It all started in 2011 when I was a reporter for the Econom PLUS magazine of the Student Council of the University of Economics. Later, I had the honor to be the editor-in-chief of the magazine for three years and enjoyed being the first to hold a freshly printed magazine 24 times.

I am the author of 2 monographs and more than two dozen scientific articles. In 2022, I co-authored the Performance Audit Handbook for Developing Countries with Gary Vanlandingham, a Professor of the University of Florida, USA. I participated in many international training programs in the USA, Austria, Slovenia, Netherlands, Poland, Belarus, etc. I am a graduate of the Professional Fellows Program (PFP) implemented with the support of the US Department of State and the ambassador to Armenia. In recent years, I have also implemented various research projects with the support of local and international donors, for which I formed and led research teams.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to join the Hetq Media Factory team and be a part of this important work because I believe that it is these students who have the function of filling the gap between public policy and society, and I am happy to share the necessary experience and knowledge with them for completing that commitment.